Regular/Individual Membership: Annual Dues: $45.00
(Category: Individual Membership)
Teachers : Annual Dues: $70.00
(Category: Individual Membership)
Individuals who are actively involved in teaching or assisting in the instruction of the Guang Ping Yang form taiji chuan.
Studio/Organizational : Annual Dues: $100.00
(Category: Organizational Membership)
Schools, studios and other organization dedicated to the study and practice of Guang Ping Yang T’ai Chi form or other organizations with an interest in Guang Ping. Studio/Organizational members must name a designated Representative to the Association for the purpose of attending any meetings and voting on any Association business.
Patrons: Annual Dues: $100.00
(Category: Individual Membership)
Individual wishing to demonstrate their support for the work of the Association.
Lifetime Member: One Time Fee: $800.00
(Category: Individual Membership)
Individual who wants to make a substantial contribution to further, and demonstrate their support for the activities of this association